Saturday, June 22, 2013

NORTH TO ALASKA –Theodore Roosevelt N P to Great Falls, Montana


Montana "Big Sky Country"
6/22 – Day 8 – Today we drove about 400 miles from the eastern border of Montana across the state to Great Falls.   We took State Road 200 and drove many miles without seeing another vehicle.  The landscape was mostly rolling hills which provided views of gigantic wheat fields, small herds of cattle and a few flocks of sheep.  You can see for miles in any direction which explains why it’s called the “big sky country”.   We experienced our first thunder storm with strong winds, lightning, and torrential rain and survived to tell it.  Tonight finds us settled into a Good Sam campground in Great Falls.  Tomorrow we plan to visit the Lewis and Clark Trail Museum and then head for Glacier National Park. 
This bison was standing beside the road when we left Theodore Roosevelt National Park this morning.