Tuesday, June 25, 2013

NORTH TO ALASKA –Great Falls, Montana to Glacier National Park

TRIP DAYS 9 & 10
     DAILY MILES  - 190 & 57
      TOTAL MILES - 2166

Day 9 -6/23 – Visited the Lewis and Clark Trail Museum before leaving Great Falls, MT.  We saw exhibits and a film, plus attended a lecture presented by a Ranger.  From there we drove 160 miles to Glacier National Park where we are staying in a KOA campground just one mile from the park entrance.  The campground is surrounded by snowcapped mountains.  I’m sure the pictures will tell the story. . .

Day 10 – 6/24 – Headed to St. Mary Visitor Center to view the exhibits and two films.  We then drove 21 miles to the Many Glaciers park entrance and had lunch at the Many Glaciers Hotel, a historic lodge built in 1914.  The food and the atmosphere were both superb. 

P.S.  We are having Internet connection problems at the campground and may not be back on for a few days.  Today - Day 11 - 6/25 - We are riding the red jammer bus to Logan's Pass on the Going to the Sun Road and taking a boat trip on the St. Mary lake.  Then we must spend the remainder of the day hunting an alternate route into Canada as the main highway to Calgary is still closed due to flooding.  We also are not sure if we can get to Banff  National Park or if the campground is even open due to water.  Anyway, we'll keep you posted when we can.